The integration of technology in supporting progressed learners in English First Additional Language comprehension
Comprehension, Educators, First Additional Language, ICT, Pedagogy, Progression policy, Qualitative case studyAbstract
This study aims at finding the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) as an intervention tool for progressed learners in teaching and learning of English first additional language (FAL) comprehension in the intermediate phase. With learner progression proving a challenge facing the South African education system, the aim of this qualitative descriptive study was to investigate the extent to which first additional language educators employ ICT as an intervention tool to assist learners who are progressed. Data collection strategies used in this study were semi-structured interviews and documentation such as lesson plans, progression tracking tools and support policies used at selected schools. The study population was eight intermediate phase English FAL educators from two Tembisa schools. Tembisa is a township north of Kempton Park on the East Rand, in Gauteng, South Africa. In selecting these participants, purposive sampling techniques were used. Data was analysed using ATLAS.ti and presented in a descriptive and graphical way. There is limited research in South Africa on the impact of ICT for progressed learners or a progression policy, as this policy is a relatively new phenomenon. The findings from this study indicated that the use of ICT in a classroom to support progressed learners yields positive results. The findings further indicated that ICT has a potential to reduce failure rates that ultimately minimises the number of learners who need to be progressed without meeting promotional requirements.
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