Knowledge and specialism in curricula of professional and sectoral fields of practices in South Africa: A case of universities of technology
Coherence, Differentiation and specialism, Dual facing, Interdisciplinary, Regions, Professional and sectoralAbstract
Although differentiation and specialism have become hallmarks of the modern economy, the degree and the efficacy of such differentiation, specialisation and the domains of knowledge in curricula offered in universities of technology (UoTs) persist in the context of the changing nature of jobs and occupations. This article examines the domains of specialist knowledge in curricula of selected professional and sectoral fields offered by universities of technology in South Africa. Purposive sampling was used to select the fields of practice. These fields were chosen because of differentiated knowledge bases on which these fields draw. The paper argues that the dual-facing interdisciplinary nature of knowledge of professional and sectoral fields of practice offered in UoTs, relative to their conceptuality, contextuality and professional coherence are central in the curriculum design process to enhance the quality of offerings.
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