Efficacy testing of a work-based support programme for teachers in the North West Province of South Africa
Efficacy testing, Intervention research, Qualitative research, Teachers, Workplace challenges, North West ProvinceAbstract
Teachers face increased workplace challenges in South Africa. Through a process of intervention research, this study aimed to develop and evaluate the efficacy of a work-based support programme for teachers. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was adopted as the theoretical framework informing both programme design and evaluation. Teachers (n = 10) were recruited through simple random sampling in the North West Province, South Africa. Qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions before and after exposure to the programme. Data were thematically analysed. Pre-exposure findings supported existing literature that states that teachers face numerous malleable workplace challenges such as learner indiscipline, parental disengagement, overcrowded classrooms, considerable administrative work and burnout. Post-exposure findings indicated that the programme mitigated teachers’ perceived weaknesses and seems to have enabled them to cope with and manage their workplace challenges. It is concluded that the programme facilitated a process to enable participants to navigate towards self-actualisation and reaching their full potential in the work environment. Recommendations are offered for the further implementation of the programme and in addressing work-based challenges experienced by South African teachers.
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