The diverse educational needs and challenges of Information Technology teachers in two black rural schools


  • Elsa Mentz North-West University
  • Roxanne Bailey North-West University
  • Marietjie Havenga North-West University
  • Betty Breed North-West University
  • Desmond Govender University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Irene Govender University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Frank Dignum Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Virginia Dignum Delft University of Technology, Netherlands



Rural education, Information Technology, IT teachers, Professional development, Computer Science Education


This article reflects on the first phase of a research project aimed at the empowerment of Information Technology (IT) teachers in black rural schools in the North-West province of South Africa. In order to empower these IT teachers, the first phase aimed at understanding their unique challenges and needs. Qualitative research methodology was used to determine the IT teachers’ experiences of teaching a difficult subject such as IT in black rural schools. We report on the unique needs and challenges that these teachers experience. Results indicate that mutual challenges exist with regard to Internet access, lack of technical support and learners not having computers at home. Challenges with regard to electricity supply, shortage of textbooks and insufficient software also occur in some instances. We conclude with some recommendations on how the unique needs and challenges of these schools could be addressed in order to empower the teachers in their desire to facilitate success among IT learners.





How to Cite

Mentz, E., Bailey, R., Havenga, M., Breed, B., Govender, D., Govender, I., Dignum, F., & Dignum, V. (2012). The diverse educational needs and challenges of Information Technology teachers in two black rural schools. Perspectives in Education, 30(1), 70–78.



Research articles