Exploring non-profit organisations’ communication channels and message content





non-profit organisations, communication channels, message content, new media, traditional media


Currently, organisations have to decide which communication channel to use due to changes in the media landscape. Communication occurs through various channels, such as television, radio, print, email, phone, social media, and messaging apps. Each channel has its own set of rules, conventions, and nuances, which influence how messages are interpreted and received. This study investigated ways in which non-profit organisations in South Africa communicate their corporate social responsibility efforts. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 245 employees of nonprofit organisations in Gauteng province, South Africa, and data were analysed using SPSS software. The findings identified meetings as one of the most frequently employed approaches for internal communication. Further, this study found that NPOs preferred older or established means of communication over newer media. More specifically, non-electronic media such as meetings and word-of-mouth were used more than electronic media such as emails or SMS messaging, whereas social media was used less frequently than electronic media. This study adds to the existing literature on corporate social responsibility communication by highlighting the types of messages and diverse communication channels used by South African nonprofit organisations. It provides information that can be utilised to comprehend the different communication channels used by non-profit organisations.






