The moderating effect of the use of virtual reality technologies in the branding of the cultural tourism sector: an analysis from the brand heritage




brand heritage, brand equity, social brand identity, brand awe, personal brand identity, virtual reality, marketing communication


One of the main concerns of many countries is the maintenance of their cultural expressions over time. Since these expressions allow for defining the most deeply rooted characteristics of the identity of both nations and people in this way, the purpose of this research is to analyze the moderating effect of the use of virtual reality technologies in the relationship between the different categories of cultural branding and the brand heritage in the cultural tourism sector of a country. To achieve this purpose, using the technique of structural equations allows for finding both direct and indirect relationships between the factors that affect the brand heritage of a country. The sample considered the perceptions of 460 individuals who frequently attend cultural events and who have used event advertising with virtual reality. Within the different results, it was found that there is a direct and positive moderation effect in the relationships between the different cultural branding categories and the brand heritage. On the other hand, while the social and personal brand identities have a positive effect on the brand heritage, the branding equity and brand awe not significant in traditional channels, unlike the virtual reality.






