Decrying violence in South African schools and higher institutions of learning


  • Sifiso Sibanda North-West University, South Africa



behaviour, learner, model, student, violence


In recent years, the South African basic and higher education departments have been besieged by egregious forms of violence. Although this has been a worrisome phenomenon dating back to time immemorial, of late, violence is at a very concerning and alarming level. The profusion of violence serves as an indictment to various stakeholders including the sitting government, which seems to have done very little, if not nothing, to mitigate the issue. Several media houses and numerous media platforms have, on a daily basis, tracked bullying which has advanced to the gruesome murder of learners and teachers alike. Very often, societies wake up to new and traumatising experiences that have since endorsed schools and higher education institutions as war zones where bloodbaths have become commonplace.  This article drew its data from extensive reviews of news items, scholarly articles, and social media news. The study sought to highlight how much violence has ravaged schools, colleges, and universities. After tracing different versions of violence experienced in the aforementioned institutions, the study established that institutions had experienced a deluge of violent incidents. Several institutions have lost educators, principals, ancillary staff, and students through violent death. The study further suggested ways through which violence may be mitigated in the institutions. Active stakeholder involvement, re-skilling of teachers in handling 21st-century learners/students and introduction of modules on teachers’ soft skills in dealing with recalcitrant learners are some of the recommendations that resulted from the findings of this study.



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How to Cite

Sibanda, S. (2024). Decrying violence in South African schools and higher institutions of learning. Perspectives in Education, 42(1), 23–38.



March 2024 Violence in South African schools Special Edition March 2024