Understanding the factors influencing the spatial dynamics of informal settlements: The case of Enugu City, Nigeria





factors, housing, informal settlements, spatial dynamics, urbanisation


The need to address the challenge of housing demand in cities has not recorded much success. Informal settlements keep springing up in cities of developing countries in a bid to meet this need. However, due to the degenerated nature of informal settlements, efforts are usually made to improve them. Most of the programmes towards the improvement of informal settlements have only addressed the symptoms rather than the causes. This study aims to assess the footprint occupation of informal settlements in Enugu City and identify the factors that contribute to such dynamics. A total of 276 questionnaires from household heads and 47 from urban planners were analysed. Findings revealed that informal settlements are gaining dominance in Enugu City. The 26 identified factors were reduced, using factor analysis, into nine components that accounted for 70% spatial dominance in Enugu City. Informal settlements need to be approached concerning their triggering factors such as closeness to other informal settlements, and low incomes especially from rural agriculture, among others, for an encompassing approach to its management in Enugu City.





How to Cite

John-Nsa, C. . (2021) “Understanding the factors influencing the spatial dynamics of informal settlements: The case of Enugu City, Nigeria”, Town and Regional Planning, 79, pp. 29–43. doi: 10.18820/2415-0495/trp79i1.5.




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