Factors influencing professionalism and the viability of local firms in Nigeria





construction industry, local construction firms, professionalism, viability, Nigeria


It is imperative to know the place of professionalism in the viability of local construction firms (LCFs) in developing countries. This article identified and examined various factors related to professionalism from diverse aspects that influence firms’ viability in the construction industry. From a literature review, 37 variables influencing the viability of local construction firms were identified of which 19 relate to professionalism. 177 staff from LCFs who were awarded building contracts in selected institutions in Nigeria were requested to rate the importance of each viability factor on a 5-point Likert scale. Mean score ratings and principal component analysis were used to identify and summarise the most important factors. Three of the four “extremely important” factors are directly related to profes-sionalism in the construction industry: organisational competence, quality of work and services, and quality of construction work and services, with mean scores of 4.4, 4.31, and 4.30, respectively. Out of the 11 component  factors obtained, three topmost factors are directly related to professionalism in the construction industry. These factors were labelled: "construction resources” (9.27%); “improved construction method” (3.24%), and “quality service and satisfaction” (2.84%). These factors substantiate the importance of professionalism in the viability of LCFs and should motivate various professionals in the construction industry to demonstrate their effectiveness in good service delivery and ethics.





How to Cite

Oladimeji, O. (2019) “Factors influencing professionalism and the viability of local firms in Nigeria”, Acta Structilia, 26(2), pp. 142–174. doi: 10.18820/24150487/as26i2.5.



Research articles