Model for setting priority construction project objectives aligned with monetary incentives


  • Ruben Ndihokubwayo Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Gerrit Crafford Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Fanie Buys Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University



Monetary incenties, Motivational factors, Project objectives


A comprehensive model based on priority project objectives aligned with monetary incentives, and agreed upon by built environment stakeholders was developed. A web survey was adopted to send out a questionnaire to nationwide participants, including contractors, quantity surveyors, project managers, architects, and consulting engineers, requesting them to base their responses on a specific construction project in which they have been involved. The development of the model consists of the combination of results from inferential statistics analyses of 7-point Likert scale questions in three aspects, namely motivational factors (Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis), monetary incentives (T-test and ANOVA), and project objectives aligned with monetary incentives (Principal Component Analysis). In total, 164 respondents participated in the survey. The findings revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between demographic groups (gender, age, qualification, experience) of respondents in the importance of motivational factors and monetary incentives. However, a significant difference was found in self-development needs and team working environment where, respectively, the younger age generation displayed more desire towards professional registration, while the older age generation did not favour the mix of skills and experience into the project. It was revealed that the provision of work opportunities to Small, Micro- and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs), and Health (HIV/AIDS) and Safety should be prioritised when offering monetary incentives. An understanding of the importance of monetary incentives offered towards achieving project objectives will create conducive procurement environment handling the personnel allocated to construction projects meeting their performance requirements.





How to Cite

Ndihokubwayo, R., Crafford, G. and Buys, F. (2014) “Model for setting priority construction project objectives aligned with monetary incentives”, Acta Structilia, 21(1), pp. 79–116. doi: 10.38140/as.v21i1.147.



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