The planning of Sasolburg and Secunda - achievements and prospects


  • Max Kirchhofer



Sasolburg town planning history, Secunda town planning history


In all the thought and effort that has gone into Sasol's town development and in the periods of stress and the moments of elation experienced du­ring the 32 years of ongoing endea­vour, there has been the common con­cern for the ultimate objectives - the creation of an urban environment worth living in, economical, safe and pleasant. The bare necessity of providing housing as a prerequisite to the run­ning of the Sasol I factory touched upon the basic elements from which towns were made. It called for critical assessment of traditional methods and presented opportunities to try out new approaches. The technical task turned into a spiritual adventure of a rare and fascinating kind. The Sasol Management took an active part in the venture and interest permeated through their organisation. The Local Authority on its later establishment responded in the same spirit. And so did many of the inhabitants as they saw their environment emerge from the dust of the construction site. During the years of implimentation and development the interests in the human issues was maintained and eventually in 1975 it was transmitted to the team entrusted with the de­sign, construction and administra­tion of the new town of Secunda. Sasol burg went through several phases of growth. The pioneering stage of the fifties was .followed by a period of ongoing growth, starting where the success of the huge industrial venture was assured and the plant was expan­ded in 1960. The Local Authority en­tered upon active township develop­ment towards the end of the seventies with the acquisition of the speculative townships together with vacant land on the northern slopes towards the Vaal River. A phase of expansion was thus initiated. 





How to Cite

Kirchhofer, M. (1982) “The planning of Sasolburg and Secunda - achievements and prospects”, Town and Regional Planning, pp. 1–28. doi: 10.38140/trp.v0i0.3171.



Review articles