Onderverdelings onder die ordonnansie op grondgebruikbeplanning


  • Len van der Merwe




Under the Land Use Planning Ordi­nance subdivision of land becomes a more technical process, following broader planning decisions taken dur­ing structure planning and the preparation of zoning schemes. Seve­ral old procedures and principals are affected. Minor subdivisions and the Townships Board, which played an important role in the past, disappear. Land must now be zoned "in a manner permitting of subdivision" before an application to subdivide can be grant­ed. Rezoning and subdivisional appli­cations can be submitted simulta­neously. (This paper questions the necessity for the subdivisional area zoning.) In the case of infilling, local authorities can process subdivisions within defined parameters within which the land is regarded as being suitably zoned. Other exempted sub­divisions are also described. Several other aspects of the Ordi­nance are discussed, i.a. that need is no longer a criterion in the evaluation of subdivisional applications, that uniform design standards are prescribed in respect of layouts and services, and that provision is made for home owner's associations.
*This article is written in Afrikaans.





How to Cite

van der Merwe, L. (1987) “Onderverdelings onder die ordonnansie op grondgebruikbeplanning”, Town and Regional Planning, pp. 15–18. doi: 10.38140/trp.v0i0.3095.



Review articles