The physical environment as a factor in the ultimate configuration of the built-up area of the Vaal Triangle


  • A Nieuwoudt
  • AB De Villiers



physical environment, Vaal River drainage, Vaal Triangle, Vaal Triangle guide plan, Vaal Triangle heaving clay, Vaal Triangle mining industry


The importance of integrating physical parameters with social and economic variables when discussing urban growth and development is crucial. The physical factors have not always been appreciated  or properly documented. Sites for urban settlements were in the past determined largely by physical factors rather than economic attributes. In more recent times economic considerations played a more dominant role. In both instances however, the role of the physical environment in the ultimate configuration of the built-up area, once the place of settlement had been decided upon, tended to be neglected. In the past this was mainly due to ignorance - leading in many instances to damage to buildings and loss of lives. In more recent years it arose mainly from the prevailing philosophy that nature represented a passive force, easily subdued by man and his sophisticated technology. Because of this notion the alteration of the landscape and blatant ignoring of natural processes; to fit man's urban needs (both residential and economic), has in many instances led to an increase in environmental hazards. In this article, the problem and process of the physical environment on the city will be examined with reference to the Vaal Triangle. 





How to Cite

Nieuwoudt, A. and De Villiers, A. (1988) “The physical environment as a factor in the ultimate configuration of the built-up area of the Vaal Triangle”, Town and Regional Planning, 25, pp. 6–13. doi: 10.38140/trp.v25i0.3080.



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