Identifisering van 'n metropolitaanse streek: Ruimtelike interaksie tussen Kaapstad en sy soomgebied


  • IJ Van Der Merwe
  • HJ Reyneke



Cape Town metropolitan area, district council concept, metropolis problems, metropolitan areas


The modern metro­polis is confronted by a variety of problems, prominent among which is inefficient management resulting from organizational fragmentation. With more than 50 local authorities operating independently within the jurisdiction of the Western Cape Regional Services Council, this is an acute local problem. Any artificial spatial delimitation of the Cape Town metropolis which fails to take cognisance of patterns of human behaviour and functional interaction constitutes a futile exercise. This study demarcates a metropolitan region for Cape Town and its periphery using internationally established criteria, as well as a locally developed model. The results show that local interaction patterns and international norms were not taken into account sufficiently in the delimitation of both the Western Cape RSC and the official Guide Plan area for the Cape Town metropolis.
*This article is written in Afrikaans. 





How to Cite

Van Der Merwe, I. and Reyneke, H. (1989) “Identifisering van ’n metropolitaanse streek: Ruimtelike interaksie tussen Kaapstad en sy soomgebied”, Town and Regional Planning, 27, pp. 7–14. doi: 10.38140/trp.v27i0.3069.



Research articles