Beplanningsevaluering van openbare diensaanbod: Onderwysgeriewe in die Kaapprovinsie


  • JH van der Merwe



The effective and equal provision of quality public services to the total population requires continual evalua­tion and monitoring of distribution practises and patterns to eliminate discriminatory resource allocation through planning action. With the Coloured education system in the Cape Province as example, a proce­dure for the evaluation of spatial resource distribution at the district level is demonstrated. Initially the selected range of variables and their significance as system indicators is discussed. These variables are then factor analysed to isolate the main underlying dimensions which summar­ize spatial variations in facility alloca­tion in the province. Representative variables are identified for less cumber­some future evaluation and monitor­ing of the system. Districts are classi­fied through cluster analysis to identify district groups/ regions experiencing similar characteristics/ problems in need of specific planning action. The implementation of an integrated spa­tial data base (a geographical informa­tion system) is recommended as a tool to facilitate the planning of public service delivery. This would enable the procedure demonstrated to be applied at the micro scale for the evaluation of service allocation within local author­iiy areas as well.
*This article is written in Afrikaans.





How to Cite

van der Merwe, J. (1992) “Beplanningsevaluering van openbare diensaanbod: Onderwysgeriewe in die Kaapprovinsie”, Town and Regional Planning, 32, pp. 31–38. doi: 10.38140/trp.v32i0.2821.



Research articles