Perspectives in Education: Announcements <p><em>Perspectives in Education</em> (PiE) is a fully open access journal, which means that all articles are freely available on the internet immediately upon publication. PiE is also a professional, peer-reviewed journal that encourages the submission of previously unpublished articles on contemporary educational issues. As a journal that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, it seeks to stimulate debate on a wide range of topics. PiE invites manuscripts employing innovative qualitative and quantitative methods and approaches including (but not limited to), ethnographic observation and interviewing, grounded theory, life history, case study, curriculum analysis and critique, policy studies, ethno-methodology, social and educational critique, phenomenology, deconstruction, and genealogy.</p> en-US Call for papers: DECEMBER 2025 SPECIAL ISSUE: Early childhood education for sustainable development in Southern Africa <p><strong>PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION&nbsp;</strong><strong>SPECIAL ISSUE DECEMBER 2025</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;" align="center"><strong><span lang="EN-ZA" style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #002060;">Early childhood education for sustainable development&nbsp;</span></strong><strong><span lang="EN-ZA" style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'Arial',sans-serif; color: #002060;">in Southern Africa</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Guest editors:&nbsp;</strong>Prof Lesley Wood (North-West University Potchefstroom), Prof Mariette Koen (North-West University Potchefstroom)</p> <p>Research on Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Southern Africa has revealed numerous challenges faced by a sector that is defined by contexts of extreme poverty (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA, 2022).</p> <p>Despite differences in how ECD is defined based on cultural, educational, and developmental perspectives, for the purposes of this issue, the term ECD refers to the age range from birth to nine years old. Notwithstanding legislative efforts aimed at improving access to and the quality of ECD, the prevailing situation in many developing countries falls short of political aspirations. In South Africa, for instance, the most recent ECD census (Department of Basic Education (DBE), 2022) reveals low enrolment rates, poor quality programmes, a lack of resources and underqualified staff as major challenges faced by many early learning initiatives.</p> <p>These initiatives often struggle to remain sustainable due to caregivers' inability to afford fees (Atmore, 2019) and inadequate governmental support. Additionally, more than 50% of children in sub-Saharan Africa are born into poverty, which exposes them to multiple social, health, and economic problems that negatively impact their development as well as the quality and availability of early learning programmes (Hague, van Ufford &amp; Muchabaiwa, 2023). Moreover, the global South has generally followed Western educational models that may not produce the same outcomes as in more developed nations due to distinct cultural, political, and economic disparities. Southern Africa, in particular, is home to diverse ethnic groups, each with unique practices, beliefs, and values related to early childhood development and education. We argue that there can be no sustainable economic and social development in any country where children are unable to access quality ECD.</p> <p>Therefore, the fundamental question that led to the conceptualisation of this special edition is “How can we improve the quality of early childhood education for sustainable development in resource-constrained environments for children aged birth to nine?”</p> <p>To achieve sustainable change in increasing access to and improving the quality of ECD, the researchers, teachers, and practitioners must collaborate to understand the current situation, critically reflect on it, and devise innovative solutions that consider the unique cultural, social, political, and economic contexts. The common goal is to ensure that all children have the best possible opportunities for care and stimulation, leading to optimal holistic development.</p> <p>We therefore invite articles that address the issue of enhancing quality and sustainability in ECD through research. Submissions may explore diverse themes within ECD, including but not limited to:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Community engagement and support</li> <li class="show">Holistic development of young children</li> <li class="show">Health and nutrition</li> <li class="show">Capacity building and professional development</li> <li class="show">Innovative and participatory pedagogical approaches</li> <li class="show">Sustainable funding mechanisms</li> <li class="show">Policy advocacy and system strengthening</li> <li class="show">Equity and inclusion</li> <li class="show">Monitoring and evaluation</li> </ul> <h1>References</h1> <p>Atmore, E. 2019. An interpretive analysis of the Early Childhood Development Policy Trajectory in Post-apartheid South Africa. PhD thesis in Education Policy, Department of Education Policy Studies. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.</p> <p>Department of Basic Education (DBE). 2022. ECD Census. Department of Education.</p> <p>Hague, S., van Ufford, P.Q. &amp; Muchabaiwa, B. 2023. Good news or bad news for Africa: Recent trends in monetary child poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa.&nbsp; Available at: <a href=""></a> [Access on 2 March 2024]</p> <p>United Nations Economic Commissions (UNECA). 2023. Africa needs to curb poverty and social inequality to meet developmental goals. <a href=""></a> <a href="">development-goals</a></p> <p><strong>Interested in submitting an article?</strong></p> <ol> <li class="show">Please upload your abstract to the <em>Perspectives in Education</em> OJS website on or before <strong>31 October 2024. </strong></li> <li class="show">To submit, click <a href=""><strong>here</strong></a></li> </ol> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="311"> <p><strong>Abstracts (300-500 words)</strong></p> </td> <td width="291"> <p>30 October 2024</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="311"> <p><strong>Invitation to authors</strong></p> </td> <td width="291"> <p>30 November 2024</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="311"> <p><strong>Full manuscripts submission</strong></p> </td> <td width="291"> <p>15 March 2025</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="311"> <p><strong>Feedback on manuscripts</strong></p> </td> <td width="291"> <p>15 July 2025</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="311"> <p><strong>Submission of reviewed papers</strong></p> </td> <td width="291"> <p>31 August 2025</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="311"> <p><strong>Publication Date</strong></p> </td> <td width="291"> <p>December 2025</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Further information is obtainable from:</p> <p>Prof Jan Nieuwenhuis</p> <p>Perspectives in Education Editor in Chief</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> Perspectives in Education 2024-09-11