Rethinking legal skills education in an LLB curriculum


  • L. Biggs Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
  • K. Hurter Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa



Over the past decade, there have been growing complaints regarding the low levels of literacy, research and numeracy skills demonstrated by law graduates in practice, and a call for universities to more adequately address these skill gaps. The Faculty of Law at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) responded to this call by redesigning their first-year Legal Skills course using a stand-alone skills-based model and a context-based teaching approach. The redesign process is outlined and particular themes in each stage of the process are discussed. This includes identifying contextual factors, defining essential skills; course content analysis; course restructuring; teaching reformulation; adaptation of assessment and feedback; implementing a blended learning approach, and collaboration within the Faculty and across faculties and service providers. The article argues that a stand-alone skills-based model can be effective in developing a minimum level of competence, but that a sense of shared responsibility for skills development across the LLB programme is essential for a higher level of skill attainment. Lessons learned during the redesign process are highlighted, and where possible, recommendations for future considerations are explored.







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