'n Politiese, organisatoriese en administratiewe raamwerk vir 'n provinsiale fasiliteringsdiens met besondere verwysing na die Wes-Kaapse provinsiale regering
The establishment of a political dispensation in South Africa which is characterised by federal criteria has shifted the emphasis with respect to intergovemment relations to such an extent that more and more en1phasis will have to be placed on the n1anagement of conflict. The potential for conflict on all levels in South Africa demands that mechanisms are put in place wherever such situations might arise. The management of conflict landmarks a new terrain for which there was no need in the past, and therefore an incisive analysis into conflict management has to be embarked upon. This goes hand in hand with the establishment of a facilitating seivice which can make an enormous contribution towards the resolution of conflict on provincial, subregional as well as local government level.