Die verdedigingsbeleid van die Sowjet-Unie, met spesifieke verwysing na die verdedigingsbeleid van die Russiese Federasie in die post-koue oorlog-era




The defence policy of the Russian Federation is to a great extent influenced by the experiences and
culture taken over from the former Soviet Union. It is a policy reflecting a unique historical experience,
the geographical environment and a distinctive political culture. nus experience and culture have
resulted in a deep-rooted feeling of insecurity that serves as a point of departure for their defence policy.
This is being strengthened by a strategic culture with a leadership that is extremely security conscious
and a society that accepts military values and responsibility without question. There is. furthermore, a
huge suspicion towards foreigners, an understanding of the dangers of weakness and a tendency to view
the international politics in terms of power.
The changing global strategic environment of the post Cold War era, the break-up of the Warsaw Pact
and the Soviet Union and economic realities necessitated a change in the Russian Federation's view of
security and their defence policy. A shift in emphasis from a military-political focus to a welfareopulence
focus was required. The smaller amount of resources allocated to defence necessitated a cooperative
approach towards security in the international environment The Russian Federation still views
itself as an important world power and is accordingly on the lookout for ways to influence power


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How to Cite

Die verdedigingsbeleid van die Sowjet-Unie, met spesifieke verwysing na die verdedigingsbeleid van die Russiese Federasie in die post-koue oorlog-era. (2001). Southern Journal for Contemporary History, 26(1), 151–169. https://doi.org/10.38140/sjch.v26i1.3952


