Kiesstelsels en verantwoordbaarheid: 'n Voorstel vir kiesstelselhervorming in Suid-Afrika



In this article the authors offer an argument for electoral reform in South Africa. A brief review of the electoral systems debate in South Africa is followed by a short overview of the present system. Three options that have crystallised in the electoral systems debate are evaluated, and a preferred option presented. The article concludes with a proposal that the present system of closed party list proportional representation is replaced by a mixed proportional representation and single member constituency electoral system. The authors also suggest that a number of farther changes be effected to the electoral system. The basis of the argument is that the proposed reforms of the electoral system will contribute to a stronger form of accountability of public representatives to the electorate than is possible under the present system. The authors judge that greater accountability will contribute towards the consolidation of democracy in South Africa. The main purpose of the proposal is to do what is right for democracy in South Africa: promote accountable government.





How to Cite

Kiesstelsels en verantwoordbaarheid: ’n Voorstel vir kiesstelselhervorming in Suid-Afrika. (2002). Southern Journal for Contemporary History, 27(1), 19–34.


