Acta Theologica: Announcements <p>Acta Theologica is an internationally established peer-reviewed academic journal listed in various indices, including the Web of Science and SciELO South Africa. Hosted by the Faculty of Theology &amp; Religion at the University of the Free State, the journal embraces both its rootedness in the African continent and the global public sphere of theological research. The publishing of innovative, interdisciplinary, and contextual theological knowledge with a significant edge is thus of the utmost importance. Only articles in English are published in the two regular editions in June and December. Occasional monographs or longer contributions are also published in a concurrent series of Supplementa.</p> en-US Mon, 06 May 2024 10:54:07 +0200 OJS 60 Andrew Murray Bookprize 2023 <p>The Andrew Murray Prize for Theological Works in Afrikaans has been awarded to&nbsp; Dr Martin Laubscher, editor-in-chief of Acta Theologica. The prize was awarded for his book on Karl Barth, Publieke teologie as profetiese teologie? (“Public theology as prophetical theology?”), a revised version of the Ph D that he obtained at Stellenbosch University a couple of years ago.</p> Thu, 20 Apr 2023 10:29:31 +0200