Liturgiese afleidings uit die kontinuïteit en diskontinuïteit van die Pasga en die Nagmaal


  • B. de Klerk North-West University, South Africa



The Service of the Word constitutes the climax and junction of the liturgy during the service, and the Holy Communion is the crucial confirmation and appropriation of the core of Scripture, namely Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. The question is whether liturgic deductions for the purpose of enriching the celebration of the Holy Communion can result from a consideration of the continuity and the discontinuity of Passover and the Holy Communion of our Lord. A literature study was employed in the investigation of this question. Passover is probably the one Old Testamentical festival that is of importance for research regarding the Holy Communion, precisely because Jesus consciously chose the time of Passover to instate the Holy Communion. Liturgical deductions are amongst other things made regarding both festivals as celebration of the great acts of redemption in history, the eating of bread and the drinking of wine during both festivals, the eschatological elements in both festivals and the elements of commemoration, proclamation and expectation in both festivals. In each instance the continuity and discontinuity are considered as well.





How to Cite

de Klerk, B. (2011). Liturgiese afleidings uit die kontinuïteit en diskontinuïteit van die Pasga en die Nagmaal. Acta Theologica, 31(1), 20–38.


