Environmental management in the city: electricity supply in Hillsboro, Bloemfontein


  • Eldalize Kruger University of the Free State




Environmental management necessitates a holistic view of the environment and how we, as human beings, impact on that environment. To apply environmental management, any one of a number of tools may be employed. Environmental impact assessment (EIA), as one of these tools, refers to the assessment of the likely environmental impacts arising from a major project or any other actions that will significantly affect the natural or man-made environment. The ultimate objective of an EIA is to provide decision-makers with an indication of the likely consequences of a proposed project. The South African EIA was developed in such a way as to be applicable to
large-scale as well as smaller projects. This article focuses on environmental impact assessment (EIA), the legislation governing it, and applying the process to a small case study, while examining the various stages of an EIA and briefly touching on public participation. The main findings are that an EIA can be applied quite successfully to smaller projects and that an effective public participation process will help consultants and developers to identify key issues and alternatives.


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How to Cite

Kruger, E. (2003). Environmental management in the city: electricity supply in Hillsboro, Bloemfontein. Acta Academica: Critical Views on Society, Culture and Politics, (1), 192–219. https://doi.org/10.38140/aa.v0i1.807


