
- A published article forms part of the published record and will not be altered or removed.
- Corrections will be published if a published article contains a significant error that affects, for example, the accuracy of the article. Minor errors, such as typographical errors, will generally not be corrected. Corrections are published as either Errata or Corrigenda. Both Errata and Corrigenda are published at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Errata and Corrigenda will be published both online and in the print version in the forthcoming issue. Errata and Corrigenda published online will be linked to the original articles online.
- Errata: An Erratum is the correction of an error introduced by the Journal during editing or production. The Author will be given an opportunity to approve an Erratum before publication.
- Corrigenda: A Corrigendum is the correction of an error made by the author/s.